Friday, March 24, 2023

All You Need to Know about Banned or Challenged Books

By Lilian H. Hill


Some of my favorite books when I was growing up were Call of the Wild (Jack London, 1903), Are you there God? It me, Margaret (Judy Blume, 1970), and A Wrinkle in Time (Madeleine L’Engle, 1963). They have all been banned or challenged. Other banned books include classics we read in high school including Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck, 1937), The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Mark Twain, 1876), To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee, 1960), and Lord of the Flies (William Golding, 1954). Many have read In the Night Kitchen (Maurice Sendak, 1970), Where’s Waldo? (Martin Handford, 1987), or the Junie B. Jones series (Barbara Park, 1992-2011) to their children, and their children may have read the Goosebumps (R.L. Stine, 1992-1997) or the Captain Underpants (Dav Pilkey, 1997-2015) series. However, you may never have realized the books were so “dangerous” that they would be banned.  

All of these books are on the Top 100 Banned Books list. There are several lists of the Top 100 banned books. The American Library Association has been keeping track through their Office of Intellectual Freedom (American Library Association, 2019), but they have only been doing so since 1990. Other lists such as the one found on Wikipedia contain some of the older books I mention here. 


Why are these books being banned?

As of 2020, reasons for banning books include: 

  • Sexual content (92.5%) 

  • Offensive language (51.5%) 

  • Unsuitable for age group (49%) 

  • Religious viewpoint (26%) 

  • LGBTQIA+ (23.5%) 

  • Violence (19%) 

  • Racism (16.5%) 

  • Use of illegal substances 

  • “Anti-family” content (7%) 

  • One of the silliest reasons for banning a children’s book was for encouraging poor spelling because it used silly spellings. (American Library Association, 2019)  


The reason these percentages don’t appear to make sense is that books are often challenged for multiple reasons. The American Library Association (2019) estimated that more than 82% of challenges remain unreported. They compared results from several independent studies of third-party Freedom of Information Act requests documenting school and library book censorship with the information in its database.


What is the difference between a challenge and a book ban?

A book challenge occurs when a book is questioned. In response, portions of a book’s content may be redacted, its circulation restricted, or relocated to an adult section of a library. When a book that was available is removed from the collection completely, it would be considered banned (Haupt, 2022). It means a book is removed from school curricula and possibly public libraries because someone has objected to its content (VanDenburgh, 2022). 


Where do these challenges come from? 

Many of these challenges come not from concerned parents, but instead from advocacy organizations with a political intent. These advocacy organizations have made censorship of certain books and ideas in schools a large part of their mission. Unfortunately, many of the book challenges are by authors that have had to fight hard to be published including books by and about people of color, people who are LGBTQIA, and people who have suffered violence or abuse. Even books that provide clear and medically appropriate sex education are under attack. In other words, these are books that can help normalize human experience, represent the full range of human experience, and answer people’s questions. Friedman and Johnson (2022) comment that these actions are deeply undemocratic and that it is: 


having multifaceted, harmful impacts: on students who have a right to access a diverse range of stories and perspectives, and especially on those from historically marginalized backgrounds who are watching their library shelves emptied of books that reflect and speak to them; on educators and librarians who are operating in some states in an increasingly punitive and surveillance-oriented environment with a chilling effect on teaching and learning; on the authors whose works are being targeted; and on parents who want to raise students in schools that remain open to curiosity, discovery, and the freedom to read. (para. 8) 

How many of these organizations exist?

Estimates indicate that there are more than 700 of these organizations, and that more are being created.  The proliferation of advocacy organizations responsible for book bans and challenges is a very recent phenomenon (Friedman & Johnson, 2022). The organizations operate at the regional, state, and national levels and are loosely coordinated in sharing lists of books to question and attack. Some organizations' members use tactics like appearing in large numbers at school board meetings, creating arbitrary rating systems for libraries, accusing school officials of providing books that are “pornographic” or that “groom” students, filing criminal complaints, or in extreme cases harassing librarians online, in public, and in their homes. There have been instances of people filing the complaints who did not have children enrolled in school.  


Are these organizations acting alone? 

Approximately 40% of these actions are connected to legislative initiatives or enacted legislation (American Library Association, 2019). Legislation is being enacted in multiple states including Utah, Missouri, Mississippi, Michigan, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Politicians are actively condemning critical race theory and the idea of wokeness, although there is doubt that they fully understand these concepts. The politicians are against books that center racism or discuss sexuality and gender identity.  

Recent Mississippi legislation would affect a ban on digital books that are “sexually oriented.” It references another bill that provides an extremely broad definition of what sexually oriented means. The new bill is intended to protect minors from “sexually illicit material”; however, because it will control school and public libraries, it will also deprive adults of content. Apparently, the inclusion of adults will be fixed but now Senate Bill No. 2346 was approved 82-32 (Pittman, 2023). Legislators argued that adults can still purchase the books they desire, but this statement ignores people without the means do that. And Mississippi has a lot of rural, low-income, and poor people.  


So far, the bill only references digital material, but it is easy to imagine that it won’t take long before print books are on the radar. The legislation has gone so far that one Mississippi legislator wondered if they had effectively banned the Bible (Pittman, 2023). Protestors, including the Executive Director of the Human Rights Campaign, registered concerns about any initiative that would limit information for young people (Pittman, 2023). 

How do these initiatives relate to politics?

These actions do not stand alone. Instead, they are part of a larger social phenomenon of polarizing politics known as culture wars. The American Library Association reported that the challenges were targeted at “the voices of the  marginalised… books and resources that mirror the lives of those who are gay, queer or transgender, or that tell the stories of persons who are Black, Indigenous or persons of colour.” The challenges are becoming much more frequent and Suzanne Nossel, the CEO of the free-speech organization PEN America,   comments that it is “part of a concerted effort to try to hold back the consequences of demographic and social change by controlling the narratives available to young people.”  


Art Spiegelman, author of Maus, the only graphic novel to win a Pulitzer Prize in 1992, believes that anyone should be able to read anything. He would prefer that children read a book in a classroom or library with informed adults who can provide guidance than read the book by themselves if they found them on their parents' bookshelves. His graphic novel was threatened with being removed from a school  library in Tennessee. A local comics shop learned of the ban and sought donations to purchase remaining copies of the book to students in the U.S., shipped with a study guide written by a local teacher. 


Actions of this nature should spur us all into action.  




American Library Association (2019). Top 100 Most Banned and Challenged Books: 2010-2019. Retrieved

Armistead, C. (2022, March 22). ‘It’s a culture war that’s totally out of control’: the authors whose books are being banned in US schools. The Guardian. Retrieved 

Friedman & Johnson (2022, September 19). Banned in the USA: The growing movement to censor books in schools. Retrieved 

Haupt, A. (2022, June 19). The rise in book bans, explained. Washington Post. Retrieved  

Pittman, A. (2023, March 9). Ban On Library Books Depicting ‘Homosexuality,’ ‘Lesbianism’ Passes Mississippi House. Mississippi Free Press. Retrieved,Bill%20No.%202346%20on%20Wednesday 

"Top 10 Most Challenged Books Lists", American Library Association, March 26, 2013. (Accessed March 16, 2023) Document ID: 8417fa9e-ceff-4512-aca9-9fbc81b8bd81 

VanDenburgh, B. (2022, June 29). Book bans are on the rise. What are the most banned books and why? USA Today. Retrieved  

Wikipedia (n.d.). List of most commonly challenged books in the United States. Retrieved

Friday, March 10, 2023

Artificial Intelligence and Challenges to Professional Identity


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been dominating the news lately as it pertains to literature, artwork, and learning. With its advancements and concerns to the educational community, it is important we address it through what has appeared in the news. On this episode, Dr. Lilian Hill analyzes four AI headlines and how they relate to adult education. Listen to the episode and join in the online forum.


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Acovino, V., Kelly, M. L., & Abdullah, H. (2023, February 24). A sci-fi magazine has cut off submissions after a flood of AI-generated stories. NPR. Retrieved

Cumberland, D. M. (2013). Perspectives in HRD: What to wear to a severance party. Human Resource Development International, 25(3), 118-124

Evans, P. (2019). Making an HRD domain: Identity work in an online professional community. Human Resource Development International, 22(2), 116–139.

Herrara, L. C., & Iglesia, F. (2023, February 20). Voice actors are training the AI that will replace them: AI dubbing companies promise Morgan Freeman with a perfect Latino Spanish accent. Rest of World. Retrieved from

Kaulio, M. (2021). The Role of Professional Identity in Digital Transformation: The Case of Heavy Equipment Operators in the Swedish Earth-Moving Industry. Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2021:182. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Knight, W. (2022, August 19). Algorithms Can Now Mimic Any Artist. Some Artists Hate It: A new generation of AI image tools can reproduce an artist’s signature style. Some creatives fear for their livelihoods. Wired Magazine. Retrieved

Nolan, B. (2023, January 15). This man used AI to write and illustrate a children's book in one weekend. He wasn't prepared for the backlash. Insider. Retrieved

Plummer, G., & Schmidt, A. (2007). Possible selves and career transition: It’s who you want to be, not what you want to do. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 114, 61-74.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Advantages and Disadvantages of Reading Online


Are print books becoming obsolete? On this episode, Dr. Lilian Hill presents a comparison of the positives and negatives of reading online. You may be surprised that the positives outweigh the negatives. Listen to the episode and join in the online forum.



Convenience and Ease of Use

  1. Internet searching is efficient and provides instant access to a plethora of information.
  2. Portability—online reading is accessible anywhere with adequate internet access; the person can read wherever they are.
  3. There is no need to travel to a library or bookstores. Instead, online reading is accessible wherever internet access is available.
  4. Online reading is available on multiple devices and 24/7.
  5. One device can hold a multitude of sources.
  6. No physical storage space needed for print books; no need to carry around heavy textbooks.
  7. E-reading is environmentally friendly because there is no need to cut down trees to make paper.
  8. Can be more affordable.

Augmented Reading Experience

  1. May increase the amount a person reads.
  2. Readings are multi-modal with integration of hyperlinks; hyperlinked information may reinforce understanding and retention.
  3. Augmented reading experience can be more stimulating due to access to embedded illustrations, videos, animations, audio, podcasts, and links to other sources.
  4. Reading experience may be more meaningful and productive.
  5. Supports cross-referencing different sources to verify sources.
  6. Information is easily updated.

Supports Learning

  1. Interactive experience makes for more meaningful textbook experience.
  2. Online sources are easily searchable.
  3. E-readings can be easily annotated with built-in tools.
  4. Reader has instant access to dictionary and thesaurus functions.
  5. Audible pronunciation guides are available for unfamiliar words.
  6. Reading online supports scanning for specific information; this may increase a person’s reading speed.
  7. Reading online connects with many readers natural reading habits; it may feel more authentic and real world.
  8. “The use of hypertexts can increase the literacy participation of students by making reading authentic, and ensuring literacy skills they acquire are more meaningful and productive” (Jose, 2021, p. 896).
  9. Reading online supports collaboration because text can be shared with multiple people at the same time.
  10. Many colleges, universities, and employers are moving to e-reading, so it is important for students to develop online reading skills.

Universal Design

  1. Reading experience is customizable with ability to change font size, color, and brightness.
  2. Students with disabilities can customize the view to suit their needs, and use software that provides text to speech, or read aloud, functions.

Changes in Reading Behaviors

  1. Getting used to reading online is an adjustment.
  2. Reading behavior may be fragmented.
  3. Reduced concentration and patience.
  4. Increased need to be discerning of quality of information.
  5. Less information retention.
  6. May lead to a shorter attention span and shifting focus.
  7. Reader who scans for specific information may overlook important words, phrases, or concepts.
  8. Some people prefer the feel and smell of print books. They may read online for information and read print books for pleasure.
  9. Reduction of deep reading skills including “connecting background knowledge to new information, making analogies, drawing inferences, examining truth value, passing over into the perspectives of others (expanding empathy and knowledge), and integrating everything into critical analysis” (Wolf, 2020, para. 5).  
  10. Reduced discipline in reading.
  11. Illegally downloaded material deprives content authors of credit and earnings.

Technology Downsides

  1. Reading experience may not be as enjoyable.
  2. Distraction of pop-up ads with embedded videos or animations.
  3. Requires internet access and electricity.
  4. Devices need backup and frequent updating and/or replacement.
  5. Internet access may be limited for some people and locations.
  6. Reading extensively online can be hard on vision.
  7. Digital devices are prone to interruptions and cyber crime.
  8. Some electronic sources are still formatted like print books that require readers to scroll up and down.

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Halifax Public Library. (2020, April 20). 7 Benefits of E-Reading. Retrieved e-reading

Harman, M. (2022). Top 10 advantages of ebooks over printed books. Retrieved

Hooper, V., & Herath, C. (2014). Is Google making us stupid? The impact of the internet on reading behaviour. BLED 2014 Proceedings. Retrieved

Jose, K. (2021). “Google and me together can read anything.” Online reading strategies to develop hypertext comprehension in ESL readers. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(2), 896-914; 2021

Manuel, J. (2020, May 22). Advantages and disadvantages of reading via e-book. Retrieved

Wolf, M. (2020, August 24). Screen-based online learning will change kids' brains. Are we ready for that? The Guardian. Retrieved

Who Consumes News on Social Media and Why?

  By Lilian H. Hill     Social media has become a key source of news for Americans, with half of U.S. adults report...