Showing posts with label Digital Literacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital Literacy. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Assessment Literacy in the Digital Age: What do the Results Mean?



Assessment literacy is essential for educators, administrators, policymakers, and other stakeholders involved in education to make informed decisions, improve teaching and learning practices, and promote student success. Assessment literacy is the ability to interpret, develop, and use assessments effectively and ethically to evaluate student learning and guide instructional decisions. It requires knowledge and skills associated with designing, selecting, interpreting, and using high-quality assessments to improve student learning. Husain (2021) indicated that “assessment literacy for educators has become an integral part of education systems” (p. 65).


Assessment contributes to effective instruction and curriculum decisions. For example, it can help you answer questions like the following:


  • Did my students master the learning targets of this course?
  • Should I reteach or move on to the next lesson?
  • Do any students need individual tutoring?
  • Are our intervention programs effective?
  • Does our assessment rigor match instructional rigor?
  • Where can we improve instruction?


Proficiency in assessment practices enhances the quality of teaching and learning (Husain, 2021). Assessment knowledge, skills, and practices are necessary for preparing effective assessment tools and strategies.


Digital Literacy Skills in Assessment Practices

As instruction moved online due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, digital assessment literacy has become critical to instruction. Digital literacy skills guide assessment of online instruction. Digital literate assessments do not replace classroom assessments; instead, they expand the skill set required of educators. At the same time, digital tools can augment and automate assessment practices, making the assessment process more informative, faster, and more convenient.


Digital literacy and assessment literacy are both crucial skills in the modern educational landscape and they are interrelated in eight ways illustrated in the table below:



Digital Literacy


Individual Student Performance

Assessment results provide insights into individual student performance. Educators can identify students who are excelling, those who may be struggling, and those who fall somewhere in between. This information helps teachers tailor instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners.

Digital literacy equips educators to navigate and analyze digital assessment data effectively, identifying trends and patterns in individual student performance.

Learning Progress

Assessment results can also indicate students' progress over time. By comparing current results to previous assessments, educators can assess growth and identify areas where students may need additional support or enrichment.


Digital literacy enables educators to conduct personalized data analysis, identifying areas where individual students may need additional support or enrichment based on digital assessment data.

Curriculum Alignment

Assessment results can reveal how well instructional practices align with curriculum standards and learning objectives. If students consistently perform poorly on specific assessments, it may indicate a need to revisit or revise instructional strategies and materials to better address the curriculum.

With digital literacy, educators can easily compare current assessment results to previous data sets, facilitating longitudinal analysis of student progress and alignment with curriculum standards.

Instructional Effectiveness

Assessment results provide feedback on the effectiveness of instructional methods and interventions. Educators can analyze which instructional approaches are most successful in promoting student learning and adjust their teaching practices accordingly.

Digital literacy supports educators in mapping assessment results to curriculum standards and adjusting instructional practices to better align with curriculum requirements based on digital assessment data.

Group Performance Patterns

Examining assessment results for groups of students can reveal patterns and trends in performance. Educators can use this information to identify instructional priorities, allocate resources effectively, and implement targeted interventions for specific student populations.

Digital literacy enables educators to create interactive data visualizations that enhance the interpretation of group performance patterns, allowing for dynamic exploration of assessment data.

Data-Informed Decision-Making

Assessment results serve as valuable data points for informed decision-making at the classroom, school, and district levels. Educators can use assessment data to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement, allocate resources strategically, and monitor progress toward educational goals.

With digital literacy, educators can make data-driven decisions based on assessment results, identifying instructional priorities, allocating resources effectively, and implementing targeted interventions using digital tools for data analysis.

Communication with Stakeholders

Educators should be able to effectively communicate assessment results to students, parents, colleagues, and administrators. Clear and transparent communication helps stakeholders understand student progress, areas of concern, and strategies for improvement.

Digital literacy empowers educators to communicate assessment results digitally to various stakeholders, using platforms such as learning management systems and online portals for transparent and effective communication.

Ethical Considerations

It is essential to interpret assessment results ethically and responsibly, considering factors such as fairness, equity, and confidentiality. Educators should avoid making assumptions based solely on assessment data and consider multiple sources of evidence when evaluating student performance.

Digital literacy includes understanding ethical considerations in data interpretation, ensuring that educators interpret assessment results responsibly, considering factors such as fairness, equity, and confidentiality in their analysis.

Table 1: Considerations for Classroom and Digital Assessments

In summary, digital literacy and assessment literacy are interrelated in education, as they both contribute to effective teaching and learning practices in the digital age. Educators who possess both sets of skills are equipped to leverage technology for assessment purposes, interpret assessment data accurately, address technological challenges, and create meaningful assessments.



Husain, F. N. (2021). Digital Assessment Literacy: The Need of Online Assessment Literacy and Online Assessment Literate Educators. International Education Studies, 14(10), 65-, No. 10; 2021

National Task Force on Assessment Education for Teachers (n.d.). Assessment Literacy Defined. Institute for Education Sciences. Available

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Techniques for Assessing Digital Literacy Skills


Assessing digital literacy skills requires a multifaceted approach encompassing various purposes and techniques tailored to the specific competencies being evaluated (Reichert et al., 2023). Digital literacy comprises multiple skills, including information literacy, media literacy, digital communications, cybersecurity awareness (privacy and safety), critical thinking and problem-solving using digital tools, coding/programming, and, more recently, artificial intelligence literacy. In this blog post, we present information about assessment types, and techniques and link them to digital literacy. As a summary, we include a table that matches assessment techniques with their purposes, key features, educational impact, and types.


Assessment Types

Assessments can be formative, summative, or performance-based: 

  • Formative Assessments are conducted during the learning process to provide ongoing feedback for instructors and adult learners so that they can adjust their teaching and learning strategies.
  • Performance-based Assessments are used to evaluate the ability of learners to perform tasks in real or simulated environments. These can be formative or summative assessments.
  • Summative Assessments occur at the end of a learning period and are used to evaluate the total learning outcomes.


Assessment Techniques

Assessment techniques are specific methods or tools to gather information about learners' knowledge, skills, abilities, and performance (Hill, 2020). Common techniques used to assess digital literacy skills include 1) formative assessment with feedback, 2) practical application, and 3) simulations with case-based scenarios.


1.     Formative Assessment with Feedback

Formative Assessment Tools: Incorporate formative assessment tools such as online polls, surveys, exit tickets, or quick quizzes to gauge learners' understanding and real-time progress.

Online Quizzes and Tests: Use online quizzes and tests to assess learners' knowledge of digital concepts, terminology, and best practices. Questions can address internet safety, cybersecurity, digital citizenship, software applications, file management, and basic troubleshooting. Provide immediate feedback to learners to reinforce learning and address misconceptions.

Digital Portfolios: Have learners compile digital portfolios that highlight their digital creations, projects, and reflections on their learning journey. Portfolios can include work samples, self-assessments, reflections on challenges and successes, and evidence of growth over time. Assess portfolios based on criteria such as organization, depth of reflection, creativity, and mastery of digital skills.

Online Discussions and Collaborative Activities: Facilitate online discussions and collaborative activities that require learners to communicate, collaborate, and problem-solve in digital environments. Assess participation, contributions, and collaboration skills demonstrated during these activities. Use rubrics or checklists to evaluate communication effectiveness, teamwork, and digital etiquette.

Online Assessment Tools: Employ online assessment tools and platforms for evaluating digital literacy skills. These tools may include interactive simulations, adaptive quizzes, coding challenges, digital storytelling platforms, and gamified learning experiences. Analyze learners' performance data and engagement metrics to identify areas for improvement and personalize instruction.

2.     Practical Application

Performance-Based Tasks: Create tasks that require learners to perform specific actions using digital tools or platforms. For example, tasks might include creating a document in a word processing program, conducting online research, organizing data in a spreadsheet, or designing a presentation. Assess learners based on the quality and efficiency of their performance.

Digital Projects: Assign digital projects that allow learners to demonstrate their creativity, critical thinking, and technical skills. Projects could involve creating multimedia presentations, websites, blogs, podcasts, videos, or digital artwork. Assess the projects based on content relevance, organization, multimedia integration, and technical proficiency.

Authentic Assessments: Design authentic assessments that require learners to apply digital literacy skills in real-world contexts relevant to their interests, academic pursuits, or future careers. Authentic assessments may involve creating a digital marketing campaign, analyzing data sets, coding a software application, or designing a website for a local business.

3.     Simulations and Scenario-Based Learning

Simulations: Develop environments or scenarios that mirror real-life digital tasks or challenges. For instance, simulating an online shopping experience, navigating social media privacy settings, or troubleshooting common computer issues. Observe learners' interactions and decision-making processes within the simulation to assess their digital problem-solving skills and strategies.

The table below organizes these assessment techniques by their purposes, key features, educational impact, and type of assessment.



Key Features

Educational Impact

Type of Assessment

1.     Formative Assessments with Feedback

Online Quizzes and Tests

Assess knowledge of digital concepts and practices.

Questions on internet safety, cybersecurity, digital citizenship.

Provides immediate feedback; ensures understanding of fundamental digital concepts.


Digital Portfolios

Showcase and reflect on digital learning journey.

Collection of digital work, reflections, and assessments.

Encourages self-assessment and continuous learning; demonstrates growth and mastery.

Formative, Summative

Online Discussions and Collaborative Activities

Enhance communication and collaboration in digital environments.

Forums and collaborative tasks online.

Builds communication and teamwork skills; fosters community engagement.

Formative, Summative

Online Assessment Tools

Evaluate and enhance digital literacy skills.

Interactive simulations, quizzes, and gamified learning experiences.

Offers personalized insights; supports adaptive learning and skill development.

Formative, Summative

1.     Practical Application

Performance-Based Tasks

Develop practical skills using digital tools.

Hands-on activities with digital tools like word processors, spreadsheets.

Enhances operational proficiency in technology use; promotes task-specific skills.


Digital Projects

Foster creativity and technical skills through project creation.

Creation of multimedia presentations, websites, blogs, etc.

Encourages innovation, critical thinking, and comprehensive technical skill application.


Authentic Assessments

Apply digital skills in real-world contexts.

Realistic tasks like digital marketing campaigns, software coding.

Improves ability to transfer skills to real-life scenarios; enhances job-relevant competencies.

Summative, Performance-based

2.     Simulations with Case-Scenarios


Mirror real-life digital challenges for problem-solving practice.

Scenarios like online shopping, navigating privacy settings.

Develops decision-making and problem-solving skills in realistic settings.

Formative, Summative


By employing these assessment techniques, educators can effectively assess adult learners' digital literacy skills across various domains, including technical proficiency, critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and responsible digital citizenship. Additionally, providing opportunities for practice, feedback, and reflection can support learners in developing and refining their digital skills over time.


Hill, L. H. (2020). Assessment, evaluation, and accountability in adult education. Stylus.

Reichert, F., Pan, Q., & Chen. L. L. (2023). Digital literacy assessment. UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report Team.


Friday, March 8, 2024

Creating Lesson Plans for Digital Literacy Instruction


Digital literacy is a foundational skill set crucial for adult learners to thrive in today's digital-driven workplace. Teaching digital literacy is challenging because it encompasses a wide variety of competencies and skills essential for navigating today's interconnected society.

Digital literacy extends far beyond basic computer proficiency and requires individuals to:

  • acquire a detailed understanding of information retrieval, evaluation, and synthesis in online environments
  • harness various digital tools and technologies effectively for communication, collaboration, and problem-solving across diverse contexts
  • use critical thinking to distinguish credible sources from misinformation and fake news on digital platforms
  • cultivate cybersecurity awareness to safeguard personal data and privacy due to the proliferation of cyber threats.

This blog post describes the Integrating Digital Literacy into Lesson Plan Model (Figure 1) and provides a sample lesson. By following a structured approach, people teaching adult learners can enable them to develop the essential skills needed to navigate the digital workplace. 

Figure 1. Integrating Digital Literacy Into Lesson Plans Model

1. Identify Core Digital Competencies

Choose a digital literacy framework that clearly specifies digital literacy competencies and that describes specific skills for each competency. There are many frameworks to choose from including Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, Digital Literacy Framework for Adult Learners, College and Career Readiness for Adult Education, and UNESCO’s Digital Literacy Global Framework. Using a digital competence framework will support you in using a structured approach to understanding digital skills and how they can empower adult learners to navigate the digital world with confidence.

2. Define and Map Workplace Skills Competency Areas

Identify competencies within the chosen framework, including basic computer operations, internet navigation, email communication, online safety, and digital document management. Then, explore the relevance of each competency for the workplace and identify how mastering these skills can support your learners’ personal and professional growth.

3. Develop Lesson Plans and Instructional Strategies

Break down common digital tasks into simple step-by-step instructions tailored to adult learners' comprehension levels. Decide how to demonstrate how tasks are performed such as turning on/off a computer, navigating websites, conducting online searches, creating and sending emails, downloading files, and recognizing online scams and threats. Provide ample opportunities for guided practice and reinforcement to ensure mastery of essential digital skills.

4. Implement Lesson Plans and Strategies

Now that you have planned your lessons and instructional strategies, it is time to implement them with your learners. That involves explaining the objectives to your learners, having the needed technologies and handouts ready, employing the activities, and conducting assessments of your learners’ progress. Make sure that you have determined what technology and resources you need to implement the lessons ahead of time.

5. Evaluate Lessons and Update Curriculum

Once you have implemented your lessons plans, you need to evaluate how well they worked and if necessary, update the lessons for the next time you teach the lessons.

Using the Model to Develop Lessons

Using this model, lessons for digital literacy competencies can be developed. For example, in the Maryland Digital Literacy Framework for Adult Learners 7 categories of competencies are explicated: Technical, Civic, Communicative, Collaborative, Computational Thinking, Investigative, and Productive. Each of the competence areas contain specific competencies which you can review in the framework.

Sample Lessons

We used the Maryland Digital Literacy Framework for Adult Learners to identify specific competency areas a person would need for an occupation. We present three lessons below that explain digital literacy skills a food service worker would be expected to use on the job. Each lesson contains objectives, required material and technology resources, specific activities, and assessment methods. 


Step 1. We begin with step 1 of the model: Identify core competencies from a digital literacy framework. We are using the Maryland Digital Literacy Framework for Adult Learners (Figure 2).  

Figure 2. Maryland Digital Literacy Framework for Adult Learners

Step 2. In step 2, we identified core competencies a food service workers would use and matched them with four of the framework’s digital literacy competencies: technical, communicative, computational, and productive.


  • Use digital ordering systems or meal management software to process meal orders.
  • Access digital inventory systems to track food supplies, manage stock levels, and order supplies as needed.


  • Use email to communicate with wait staff regarding meal preparation, delivery schedules, and special requests.
Computational Thinking
  • Utilize handheld devices or tablets to receive and acknowledge meal orders
  • Create and curate new menu items in digital format.

Step 3. We develop lesson plans and instructional strategies. The lessons contain: (1) an objective, (2) required materials and technologies, (3) four activities including an introduction, hands-on tutorial, practical exercise, and a review, and (4) an assessment activity. Below are examples of three lesson plans.

LESSON PLAN 1: Using Digital Ordering Systems or Meal Management Software.

Objective: Process patient meal orders and manage dietary restrictions using digital ordering systems or meal management software.


Materials Needed: Access to a digital ordering system or meal management software, computers/tablets.



  • Introduction to Digital Ordering Systems: Overview of the chosen system, highlighting its importance in ensuring dietary needs are met accurately and efficiently.
  • Hands-on Tutorial: Walkthrough of the software interface, focusing on how to enter, modify, and confirm meal orders. Include practice on entering dietary restrictions/preferences.
  • Practical Exercise: Enter mock orders into the system, ensuring to note any dietary restrictions.
  • Review and Q&A: Discuss common scenarios/issues that might arise and how to address them using the system. Encourage questions and share troubleshooting tips.

Assessment: Practical test to correctly process a series of meal orders within a set timeframe.


LESSON PLAN 2: Accessing Digital Inventory Systems.

Objective: Use digital inventory systems to track food supplies, manage stock levels, and order supplies.

Materials Needed: Access to a digital inventory system, computers/ tablets, and inventory management guidelines.


  • Overview of Inventory Systems: Explain the system's features and role in efficient kitchen management.
  • Interactive Demonstration: Show how to check stock levels, update inventory after deliveries, and input data related to usage.
  • Simulation Exercise: Simulate a week's inventory management, including responding to low-stock alerts and deciding when to reorder supplies.
  • Group Discussion: Strategies for minimizing waste and ensuring accuracy in stock management.
Assessment: Complete a mock inventory check and create an order for supplies based on given scenarios. 

LESSON PLAN 3: Utilizing Email or Internal Communication Platforms. 

Objective: Use email to coordinate with kitchen staff regarding meal preparations, delivery schedules, and special requests.

Materials Needed: Access to email, guidelines for professional communication, and sample communication scenarios.



  • Communication Best Practices: Overview of effective digital communication, including clarity, tone, and urgency.
  • Platform Walkthrough: Introduce email features, focusing on creating messages, attaching files, and using communication threads or channels.
  • Role-playing Exercise: Participate in an email scenario to resolve a communication challenge, such as a last-minute meal change.
  • Feedback Session: Share experiences and discuss the importance of timely and clear communication in the kitchen environment.

Assessment: Draft an email responding to a hypothetical situation that requires coordination with kitchen staff, demonstrating clarity, professionalism, and adherence to communication guidelines.

Step 4. This step involves implementing the planned lessons. You will gather the technology resources and materials you need, and use the instructional strategies and assessments planned.

Step 5. This step requires evaluating and updating the curriculum. You always learn something when you teach and you can use this information to improve the lessons and curriculum you planned. This process is iterative so that you are always reviewing and updating the lessons and curriculum.



Conceição, S. C. O., & Hill, L. H. (2024). Digital Literacy Skills for ABE/GED Learners' Entry and Participation in the Workplace. Webinar.

Dweck, C. S. (2007). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Ballantine Books.

Law, N. W. Y., Woo, D. J., de la Torre, J., & Wong, K. W. G. (2018). A global framework of reference on digital literacy skills for indicator 4.4. 2. Available

Maryland Department of Labor’s Adult Education. (2021). Digital Literacy Framework for Adult Learners.

Pimentel, S. (2013). College and Career Readiness for Adult Education. Available

Promoting Digital Literacy for Adult Learners: A Resource Guide. (2022).

VuorikariRina, R., Kluzer, S., & Punie, Y. (2022). DigComp 2.2: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens-With new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes (No. JRC128415). Joint Research Centre (Seville site).


How to Report Misleading and Inaccurate Content on Social Media

  By Lilian H. Hill   Misinformation and disinformation, often called "fake news," spread rapidly on socia...