Showing posts with label Facial Recognition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facial Recognition. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2022

Algorithms and the Social Implications of Facial Recognition



Algorithms can influence decision-making about college admissions, healthcare, criminal justice, legal, housing, and much more. It is important to recognize that there are problems in the way algorithms can incorporate existing human biases and magnify them through Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. On this episode of Information Literacy, moderated by Lilian Hill, we’re going to explore algorithms and the social implications of facial recognition through use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. Join in the online forum.

 Listen to the Podcast


Information Literacy Episode 3 Transcript


Algorithm Justice League. Retrieved

Data, Algorithms, and Social Justice. Retrieved

Harwell, D. (2019, December 19). AI's social justice problem: It's amplifying human bias. Retrieved

Hiner, J. (2021, April 15). AI's social justice problem: It's amplifying human bias. Retrieved

O’Neill, C. (2017). Weapons of math destruction: How big data increases inequality and threatens democracy. Crown Publishing Group. 


Artificial Empathy: Creepy or Beneficial?

Photo Credit: Pavel Danilyuk, Pexels   By Lilian H. Hill   Artificial empathy refers to the simulation of human...