Thursday, December 29, 2022

Instructional Applications of Algorithms


By Lilian H. Hill

Algorithms are also used to support the Flipped classroom in which students learn content independently so that facilitator can use class time for activities that support meaning making, applying information, and retaining knowledge.

Platforms that allow students to practice basic skills are also benefited by algorithmic responses. Programs used in adult basic and literacy education make use of algorithms to provide personalized content for students, tailored to their level of achievement. Software to support learning can provide pronunciation guides for language learning. It can even engage in simplified conversations. 

Computer algorithms are essential to simulated learning. They are used to replicate complex and dangerous situations while allowing students, and the public, to remain safe. For students to practice appropriate responses for stressful situations, algorithms determine symptoms displayed by robotic simulated patients for health professions students, automate flight practice for pilot trainees, and orchestrate the atmosphere of war to train soldiers. 


Collins, R. (2020). Interdisplinarity in adult and continuing education. In Rocco, T. S., Smith, M. C., Mizzi, R. C., Merriweather, L. R., & Hawley, J. D. (Eds.), Handbook of adult and continuing education (pp. 31-37). Stylus. 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Algorithms and the Social Implications of Facial Recognition



Algorithms can influence decision-making about college admissions, healthcare, criminal justice, legal, housing, and much more. It is important to recognize that there are problems in the way algorithms can incorporate existing human biases and magnify them through Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. On this episode of Information Literacy, moderated by Lilian Hill, we’re going to explore algorithms and the social implications of facial recognition through use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. Join in the online forum.

 Listen to the Podcast


Information Literacy Episode 3 Transcript


Algorithm Justice League. Retrieved

Data, Algorithms, and Social Justice. Retrieved

Harwell, D. (2019, December 19). AI's social justice problem: It's amplifying human bias. Retrieved

Hiner, J. (2021, April 15). AI's social justice problem: It's amplifying human bias. Retrieved

O’Neill, C. (2017). Weapons of math destruction: How big data increases inequality and threatens democracy. Crown Publishing Group. 


Friday, December 16, 2022

Algorithms for Automation and More


By Lilian H. Hill

We have been discussing the role of algorithms in computer programming and how they structure what we view online. Today, we are starting a series of postings about the role of algorithms in education, with emphasis on adult learning.

Algorithms are useful in automating many repetitive tasks in the education world. For example, plotting course schedules, scheduling classrooms, allocating resources, organizing campus policing, and running student success and retention initiatives are all tasks that can be made more efficient with automation. Workplace orientation and training programs are delivered using computer algorithms. 

Some colleges and universities are moving to using chatbots to answer standardized questions. When you make a call for information and you receive responses from an automated voice, that is a chatbot in action. Information queries online can also be mediated by algorithms. 

Learning management systems (LMS) such as Canvas and Blackboard make use of algorithms to automate delivery of online courses and programs. They provide for efficient documentation of attendance, participation, submission of assignments, grading tests, and documentation and tracking of student achievement. 

When there are a finite number of responses to questions, for example in multiple-choice questions, surveys, and even personality assessments, algorithms are responsible for the instant responses you receive. You only have to wait for a grade when your written essay is graded by a human being. Some essays are even being graded by using algorithms capable of machine learning. Unfortunately, these assessments may assess students’ abilities to memorize facts, or use specific vocabulary the system is programmed to recognize, and not how well they are able to question and apply information.


Dans, E. (2020). Algorithms and education: Not so fast. Retrieved  Retrieved

Robinson, C. (2020). Impressions of viability: How current enrollment management personnel and former students perceive the implementation of a chatbot focused on student financial communication.

Rosen, D. (2019, June 4). The role of artificial intelligence in adult basic skills education. LINCS Community for Adult Educators. Retrieved

Friday, December 9, 2022

Getting to Know the Information Literacy Moderator


Hi, my name is Lilian Hill, professor emerita of the University of Southern Mississippi. I retired after working for more than 35 years in adult education in both Canada and the United States. My work experience includes program development/administration, conference management, faculty development, and teaching at the undergraduate, professional, and graduate levels.

As a professor, I have published extensively in adult education, higher education, and pharmacy education journals. My primary areas of expertise are in adult learning, health literacy, and assessment and evaluation. In 2020, I published an edited book on Assessment Evaluation, and Accountability in Adult Education. Most recently, I co-authored a textbook titled So you detest reading? Literacy skills and strategies for college students (Kendall Hunt, 2022).

At the university level, I have taught a wide variety of courses in adult education and qualitative research. I have chaired and served on more than 100 dissertations and often contributed as the qualitative research methodologist.

Regarding my service to my profession, I am co-editor of Adult Learning, the practitioner-oriented publication of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education. I was honored to be recognized with the 

  • Okes Award for Outstanding Research in Adult Education by the American Association in Adult and Continuing Education in 2015 
  • Induction into International Adult Education Hall of Fame in 2018
  • Circle of 50 alumni by the University of Georgia in 2019
  • Career Achievement Award from CPAE in 2021
  • Lifetime Research Award, University of Southern Mississippi in 2022.

On a personal note, I am an artist, author, life coach, and recent graduate of the Academy of Culinary Nutrition.

I will leave you with a poem I wrote that shares the antecedents of my interest in this topic.

Lessons from my Mother 

I often say someone was not raised by my mother. Lately, I have been asking myself what I mean by that statement?

I say it when people are behaving rudely to one another.

When they refuse to understand a conflict from more than one perspective,when they are so sure they are right.

And fail to see that they could be wrong and the other person could be right.

When they disbelieve or disrespect the reasons people have for what they say and do.

When they fail to believe in other persons’ good intentions.

When they are focused on people’s exteriors, and do not care to learn about how they live, what they experienced, or what they learned.

When people fail to realize that we are all in this together, and that we are all afraid, clutching on to our little bits of the economic pie that does not trickle down, no matter how many times we are told that it will.

We hope to gain and not lose.

 We do not realize, much conflict is the result of people being manipulated within our socioeconomic system.

Whenever I would complain of being wronged, my mother would question me about what reasons the person would have for the way they acted.

As a child I was indignant.

Why did she not believe me that the other person was in the wrong?

 I understand now that my mother was teaching me to look at and respect other people’s perspectives. 

My mother prepared me to become an adult educator long before I ever knew the term.

 Why did it take me so long to understand?

Friday, December 2, 2022

Diving Deeper Into Algorithms


Algorithms have more influence than we know. Algorithms are embedded in the software program we use every day and may keep track of our personal information. This episode explores algorithms more deeply – why they are difficult to understand, how should we view them, and recognize their goals and objectives. This episode is a follow-up to the first episode on Information Literacy category as part of the Adult Learning Exchange Virtual Community. Dr. Lilian H. Hill is the moderator of the online forum. Listen to the episode and join in the discussion.

Listen to the Podcast




Mastantuono, M. (2021) The mathematics of misinformation.

Pflueger-Peters, N. (2022, May 20). An algorithm to detect fake news.

How to Report Misleading and Inaccurate Content on Social Media

  By Lilian H. Hill   Misinformation and disinformation, often called "fake news," spread rapidly on socia...